Quotes that move and amuse Dana
I will not try to make these exact quotes; part of the fun is reflecting
on things in our memory, as they appear in our memory.
- As the lead beautifully played by John Travolta in the
movie Phenomenon is interviewed at the military base by
Brent Spiner moves a pencil by force of thought, the latter
asks the former how he is doing that. John Travolta says
that he isn't really commanding it to happen, it's more like
a colloboration, that we're really made of the same stuff.
With a delightfully curious look on his face, Spiner says,
"Wood?". "Energy Bob. You know, the little pieces." I'm
not sure why that scene delights and moves me so much, but
it gets me every time. Perhaps it's the flip assurance
that we really are made of the same star-stuff. I find that
assertion delightfully humbling.
- Those willing to give up a little liberty for a little security deserve neither security nor liberty. -Benjamin Franklin
Last updated
Sun Apr 27 09:51:08 CDT 2003